Shopping secondhand is an amazing way to find unbeatable deals on timeless pieces. I’m the poster child for bargain shopping and its disappointing to hear people admit that they’re too skeptical to buy used accessories. Shoes and Clothes are great to buy secondhand but let me tell you, Pre-Owned designer hand bags are really where it’s at.
You’ve got options when it comes to buying pre owned but where to start?! Before to start you’ve got to get educated, theres many routes you can take to save big bucks on amazing bags but you’ve got to be smart about it. If you’re wondering where to start you’ve got two options: Consignment/Luxury Pawn shops and Online stores. The best part about shops is that they take pride in only accepting authentic pieces that come through the door. Online shopping makes it a bit more difficult because you don’t get to try out the bag like you’d be able to in stores. We all know that there is a ton of fakes floating around, but theres also all sorts of incredible legitimate bags out there that you’re just too afraid to search for! We all make mistakes, luckily we’re here to make up for lost time and teach you to be a secondhand bargain shopping extraordinaire.
To get things started chose a few specific brands that you’re browsing for, but keep an open mind. The greatest thing about second hand buying is that you’re opening your eyes to a world of timeless pieces that are much more unique than what you see everyone else with. You are an adventurous shopper now and the farthest thing from “Basic”. Here are 3 essential tips before you dive in the pool of secondhand possibilities.
1) Be wise about which stores you’re browsing in.
Your best bet is to go to a renowned store or secondhand designer bags. The staff should be knowledgeable when questioned about the pedigree, quality, and guarantees concerning the bag.
Assume that any bag being sold by a vendor or at a flea market is suspect. The chances of you finding an authentic bag from a seedy vendor is very uncommon, so I suggest you don’t waste your time.
Know all you can about designer bags if you’re purchasing from estate sales, thrift stores, online auction sites, Pawn Shops etc.
Ask a trusted fashionista where they they got their designer bags from. They’ll point you in the right direction.
2) Be realistic about the price.
Designer bags cost a lot of money because they are well crafted and they’re status symbols.
If the price is too good to be true, then it is, and the bag’s a fake.
Do your research about what similar bags usually go for and stick to that price range.
Don’t be afraid to negotiate, that’s the beauty of secondhand shops, they have more wiggle room to get you a great deal.
3) Know the signs of a fake or knockoff bag, There are numerous signs that can point to a bag’s lack of authenticity:
The stitching: Look closely at the stitching of the bag. Sloppy, slanted, and uneven stitching is a sign of a poorly made, and therefore, a fake bag. Designer bags will always have quality stitching because it is part of the designer’s reputation to produce a quality item.
Check the tags or labels. Check the inside tags – are they stamped into leather or hand-stitched? An obvious fake will have no name on the inside tag. Check outside tags as well because many designers include authenticity labels on the outside of the bag.
Check the material. If it’s leather, it should smell like leather. If it’s supposed to be durable canvas, it should be strong and well stitched. The material can tell you a lot about the bag’s quality. If the real bag normally has a pattern inside then the fake bags with mainly have just one color
Check the logo. Logos are often a slip-up area for fakes. They may have spelled the name wrong or made the logo the wrong size. attention to detail is key.
Look for a serial number. This is a stamp inside that says the brand (it may not be in all bags). Often times the serial number is still fake, but will look different and be a different font.
Check the lining. If the interior sounds like paper rubbing together, then it’s not the real thing. A real designer bag will be lined, and often with leather. Again, check the stitching of the lining if relevant, and observe if it is double stitching (not always the case).
Look for color variations. Although some variations will be blatant, others may be very subtle. Be sure to have a close inspection.
Now with a little knowledge under your belt you’re prepared to begin your quest in finding the most amazing secondhand designer purse out there. If you keep these three simple tips in mind I guarantee your experience will be as fun and unique as your new accessory.
The post What You NEED To Know Before Buying Designer Bags appeared first on Boca Pawn | Boca Raton Pawn.