The value in buying pre-owned Chanel and Louis Vuitton
Chanel and Louis Vuitton handbags and accessories are widely coveted by women all over the world. Few things in this life have given so much pleasure to so many. A $6,000 Chanel Classic flap bag is the original design, a product of Coco Chanels utter brilliance as it turns out. Buying new definitely is thrilling. Bringing your bundle of joy home for the first time elecits an emotion in most women, the magnitude of which is close to indescribable I would imagine. Yup, I can only imagine, I’ve never purchased a new bag and probably never will unless I have a complete personality change.
There are many excellent reasons to purchase pre-owned designer bags for those of you who are not familiar with this concept. Here goes, firstly lets think about the price, once it’s out of the box and out of the store let’s face it, it’s already pre owned and slightly devalued. If I can save money and get a great bag who cares that I bought it preowned. Of course you have to be careful who you buy it from (obviously). If the company has been around for a while and know what they’re talking about then go ahead and save a little. I have found many times I get the box and dustbag with the bag although not always. Many times the Chanel was unused by the previous owner or only used a few times(mostly for display on a closet shelf).
I’m not especially impressed by walking into a Chanel or Louis Vuitton store and purchasing as saving money is the most important part to me. Also let’s face it no one will know that my handbag was previously loved. I have also purchased preowned chanel jewelry . It was new with labels and in original boxes never worn and I bought it for a fraction of the price. All of my Louis Vuitton handbags and belts also came to me in the same way. I bought them pre owned. I have a great collection of fabulous designer items (including a couple of preowned Hermes pieces) in my closet. Designers like Chanel and Louis Vuitton generally have price increases one to two times per year (every year).
Not only does it make good sense to buy preowned luxury items but also to sell them when you are tired of them or not using certain bags. Great idea! That way you can easily use the money to purchase another preowned Chanel or Louis Vuitton. What’s in your closet? Money that’s what’s in there! Last seasons or even five or six seasons ago, your handbags are still worth money absolutely.
When you think of luxury designer items think pre-owned Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Chanel and a host of other luxury brands. Buying this way has definitely put preowned luxury goods in the hands of more women. You don’t have to be a superstar to afford a little bit of luxury.
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