Louis Vuitton Boca Raton
Real vs Fake
Louis Vuitton is one of the most copied brands in the world. There are good fakes, bad fakes, and everything in between. As a buyer and seller of used Louis Vuitton handbags, we come across fakes all the time. Below are two Louis Vuitton Alma Amarante GM Handbags. One is fake and one is real. Can you tell the difference between the Louis Vuitton Boca Raton?
The bag on the left is the real deal, and the bag on the right is fake. When they’re side by side you can easily tell because of the imprinted monogram pattern. The real bag on the left is much more pronounced than the bag on the right. But when you look at them without one another it can be very hard to tell. The color on the fake bag is absolutely the same as the real bag. It is exactly the same size too.
Sometimes you can tell between a real and fake Louis Vuitton handbag by looking for the “date code”. Every authentic Louis Vuitton handbag has a date code somewhere on the bag. It is usually hidden and hard to find. It is basically a small tag with a code imprinted on it to tell when and where the bag was made. Many fakes skip over the date code because it’s a hassle to add. But in good fakes they will have a date code. In this particular fake there is a date code. But as you can see from the pics, the fake date code is too bold.
Louis Vuitton continues to be a top selling luxury handbag brand. As they grow so will the market to produce fake ones. People want the look without the expensive price tag. If you are buying a pre-owned Louis Vuitton handbag make sure to do your do-diligence and homework.
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